Your hotel in Troyes and surrounding areas

In order to facilitate access to our hotel in Troyes, we provide you with free private parking without reservation, at the foot of your chalet.

Your hotel in Burgundy with Parking is only:

  • 21 km from Chaource
  • 25 km from Lac de la Forêt d’Orient
  • 27 km from Technoparc de l’Aube
  • 29 km from the center of Troyes
  • 29 km from Troyes train station
  • 33 km from Nigloland
  • 87 km from Châlons Vatry airport

Domaine de Foolz ★★★

Ferme de Foolz
10110 Bourguignons, France

Tél : 03 25 29 78 86
domainedefoolz (at) wanadoo (dot) fr

Latitude : 48.135278
Longitude : 4.340259


How to get to Domaine de Foolz in Bourguignons?


  • From Troyes , via the D 671.
  • From Dijon , via the A31 and A5/E17 towards Magnant. Take exit 22.


  • Troyes train station 30 minutes away


  • Châlons Vatry airport 1 hour away.

Onsite parking

• Free onsite parking